Dept. of Commerce
वाणिज्य विभाग
Dr. S. D. Takalkar
Professor and Head of the Department MISSION STATEMENT
Healthy Linkage with Entrepreneurs and Society for Need Based Education
Objectives of the Department
To promote general education of business and commerce.
To create awareness of the global economy.
To develop entrepreneurial skills.
To provide a forum for research activities.
Department Profile
Year of Establishment : 1993
Programs / Courses offered :
UG Level : B.Com. (Semester Credit Pattern) Since : 1993
PG Level : M.Com. (Semester Credit Pattern) Since : 2007
P.G.D.T. & P.G.D.B.&F.:2015
No. of Teaching Posts :
Permanent : Sanctioned posts : 03 Filled: 03 Asst. Prof. Total filled 03
Temporary : 10 Asst. Prof. Total Teachers : 13
Peon : 01
Teachers With Ph.D. = 6, With M.Phil.= 6, With SET/NET : 1
Visiting Faculty : 01
Seminars / Conferences Organised by Dept. : (International /National/ State) 10
Research Projects : Ongoing : 96 Completed: 1100
Research Publications : 64
Details of Students Guided for Ph.D. : 23 M.Phil. : 68
Honorary Positions Held by faculty :
Ex-Member : Faculty of Commerce, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.
Associated Research Guide of M.Phil./ Ph.D.
Member : Board of Studies
Ex-Member : Sec.32(5)(a) of the Maharashtra University Act, 1994.
Ex-Member : Sec.43(3)(4) Marketing Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.
Awards won by Faculty : 03 Students : 15
B.Com. (Choice Based Credit System, Pattern 2019) Prospectus - Click 1
::: Available Courses :::
1.Bachelor of Commerce-B.Com.
(Semi English Medium & English Medium)
(2 Semi-English and 1 English Medium Division)
(Seats - 360) (Total - 3 Divisions)
Choice Based Credit System, Pattern 2019
Specializations :
1. Cost & Works Accounting,
2. Business Entrepreneurship,
3. Banking & Finance
2.Master of Commerce-M.Com.
(Seats -120) (2 Divisions)
Choice Based Credit System, Pattern 2019
Specializations :
1. Advanced Accounting & Taxation,
2. Business Administration,
3. Banking & Finance
(Post Graduate Diploma in Taxation )
1 Year Full time Savitribai Phule Pune
University, Pune - Diploma Course (Seats 60)
(Post Graduate Diploma in Banking, Finance & Insurance)
1 Year Full time Savitribai Phule Pune
University, Pune - Diploma Course (Seats 60)

- B.Com.
Semester - VI
UGC Sponsored Career Oriented Programme
Computerized Financial Accounting
Faculty Orientation / Refreshment Programme at College level
Commerce Staff Academy (every staff member delivered our speech in our own subject)